这是我很久以前画的一幅水彩,画的是 一朵绽放中的玫瑰。背景的暗蓝色让这幅画有点儿深沉高雅的调调。那个时候,我还完全不懂养花儿种草。虽然觉得玫瑰很美,但是对她特别的前世今生和为什么全世界对她趋之若鹜,一点儿也不了解。三年前,我们全家搬到了俄勒冈州的波特兰市,这里有玫瑰之城的雅称。这三年里,我对花草树木知识的学习可谓突飞猛进,跟上了个园艺大学似的。但是对于玫瑰,也许是觉得她美的太过招摇(凸显喜欢评头论足的人类的劣根性),我一直提不起兴趣去了解她。直到去年一个很偶然的机会,在Youtube里看到一种紫色爬藤玫瑰惊艳四方的视频,我才突然意识到她的潜力!于是,下定决心,我要开始研究她,并且在这个玫瑰之城打造一个属于我的小小玫瑰园!
A Small Rose Card in the City of Roses
This is a watercolor painting I did a long time ago—a blooming rose. The deep blue background gives it a sophisticated, almost dreamy tone. Back then, I knew nothing about growing flowers or gardening. I thought roses were beautiful, but I had no clue about their fascinating history or why the world was so captivated by them. Three years ago, my family moved to Portland, Oregon, a city famously known as the "City of Roses." Since then, my knowledge of plants and gardening has grown at an astonishing pace—almost feels like I went to a horticulture school. Yet, when it came to roses, I found myself oddly uninterested. Maybe it was their almost flamboyant beauty, or maybe it was my own tendency to resist things that seem overly admired (ah, human nature!). That all changed last year. By sheer chance, I stumbled upon a video on YouTube featuring a breathtaking purple climbing rose. It was stunning—so much so that I suddenly saw roses in a whole new light. That was the moment I made up my mind: I was going to study them, understand them, and create my very own little rose garden in the City of Roses! 🌹✨
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这是我很久以前画的一幅水彩,画的是 一朵绽放中的玫瑰。背景的暗蓝色让这幅画有点儿深沉高雅的调调。那个时候,我还完全不懂养花儿种草。虽然觉得玫瑰很美,但是对她特别的前世今生和为什么全世界对她趋之若鹜,一点儿也不了解。三年前,我们全家搬到了俄勒冈州的波特兰市,这里有玫瑰之城的雅称。这三年里,我对花草树木知识的学习可谓突飞猛进,跟上了个园艺大学似的。但是对于玫瑰,也许是觉得她美的太过招摇(凸显喜欢评头论足的人类的劣根性),我一直提不起兴趣去了解她。直到去年一个很偶然的机会,在Youtube里看到一种紫色爬藤玫瑰惊艳四方的视频,我才突然意识到她的潜力!于是,下定决心,我要开始研究她,并且在这个玫瑰之城打造一个属于我的小小玫瑰园!
A Small Rose Card in the City of Roses
This is a watercolor painting I did a long time ago—a blooming rose. The deep blue background gives it a sophisticated, almost dreamy tone. Back then, I knew nothing about growing flowers or gardening. I thought roses were beautiful, but I had no clue about their fascinating history or why the world was so captivated by them. Three years ago, my family moved to Portland, Oregon, a city famously known as the "City of Roses." Since then, my knowledge of plants and gardening has grown at an astonishing pace—almost feels like I went to a horticulture school. Yet, when it came to roses, I found myself oddly uninterested. Maybe it was their almost flamboyant beauty, or maybe it was my own tendency to resist things that seem overly admired (ah, human nature!). That all changed last year. By sheer chance, I stumbled upon a video on YouTube featuring a breathtaking purple climbing rose. It was stunning—so much so that I suddenly saw roses in a whole new light. That was the moment I made up my mind: I was going to study them, understand them, and create my very own little rose garden in the City of Roses! 🌹✨
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