塞翁失马, 焉知非福

古时候一位老翁养了一匹骏马。一天早晨起来,他发现马厩的门敞开着,马不见了。邻居们都来安慰他。可这位老翁却说:“坏事可以变好事。“ 没有了马,塞翁每天依旧过他的日子,种田、画画,书法。过了几个月,他的马突然回来了,还带回来一匹马。邻居们都来祝贺他。这位老翁又说“好事可以变坏事。“ 塞翁的儿子喜欢骑马,经常骑着新的马到周围的山上。有一次,他从马上摔下来折断了大腿骨。打了石膏,卧床不起。邻居们都来安慰塞翁,他却仍一脸平静,说:”坏事可以变好事。“ 邻居们很不解,都认为他一定是老糊涂了,摇摇头就离开了。不久后,消息传来,边境发生了战争。年轻人需要应征参战。参战的人,九死一伤。当将军来到塞翁家,看到塞翁一瘸一拐的儿子,说”我不需要连路都走不了的士兵“。避免了奔赴战场,塞翁的儿子得以保全性命。看着入伍战士们离开的身影,邻居们这才明白塞翁的话。

Sai Weng Lost His Horse, But Who Knows If It’s a Blessing in Disguise

In ancient times, there was an old man who raised a fine steed. One morning, he woke up to find that the stable door was open and the horse had disappeared. The neighbors came to comfort him, but the old man simply said, "A bad thing can turn into a good thing." Without his horse, Sai Weng continued his daily life as usual—farming, painting, and practicing calligraphy. A few months later, his horse returned bringing another horse with it. The neighbors came to congratulate him, but the old man calmly responded, "A good thing can turn into a bad thing." Sai Weng’s son loved riding horses and often rode the new horse through the mountains. One day, he fell off the horse and broke his leg. He leg was put in a cast and had to stay in bed. The neighbors came to visit. But once again, Sai Weng remained calm and said, "A bad thing can turn into a good thing." Neighbors were puzzled, thinking the old man must be too old and senile. They shook their heads and left. Not long after, a war had broken out at the border. Young men were required to join the army. Those who went to battle faced a high chance of death or serious injury. When the general arrived at Sai Weng’s house and saw his son, he said, "I don’t need soldiers who can’t even walk properly." Because of his injury, Sai Weng’s son was spared from going to war and was able to keep his life. As the neighbors watched the young soldiers march away, they finally understood the wisdom in Sai Weng’s words.

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