不要把大白菜(或芹菜)的根部丢掉,它们可是天然的玫瑰印章!这些蔬菜自带漂亮的花纹,让你轻松印出精美的玫瑰图案。怎么做呢?我们先把大白菜的根部切掉,大约 5-8 厘米(2-3 英寸)。关键是切口要尽量平整,这样印出来的玫瑰才会更好看!确保切面能平稳地接触画布或纸张,这样颜料才能均匀印上去。另外,记得让丙烯颜料保持适当的稀稠度,不要太厚。如果颜料太浓,可以加一点水调稀,像浓汤一样的质地最合适。你可以用刷子把颜料均匀地涂在白菜根上,也可以直接蘸取颜料。水彩颜料也能用,会有不同的效果哦!
Paint Easy Roses With Bok Choy
Instead of tossing out the root ends of Boy Choy (or celery) use them as rose stampers! These fabulous patterned vegetables make easy and nifty roses in a jiffy. To make these bok choy roses, simply cut off the ends (2-3″ from the bottom). The key to making your stamped roses come out gorgeous is to make sure the vegetable is cut as flat and even as possible so that the cut part lays evenly on your surface when stamping. This will make sure the paint goes on evenly on your canvas. Another tip is to make sure your acrylic paint is with a nice and thin consistency. We can use a brush to brush the paint onto the bok choy head or you can simply dip it in your paint. Watercolor paints would also work nicely here.
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